Enhance Medical Education with Doctutorials: NEET SS Coaching

Coaching In Medical Education Enhanced By DocTutorial’s App V 2.023

Students who enroll with medical entrance exam coaching centers often evaluate their choice of institutes based on two factors. They look into the coaching institute’s curriculum and past success. Equally, they look at their own goals and expectations. Students expect that the role of any coaching institute is to help them get top ranks and scores to get the medical seats of choice at top colleges.

In all this evaluation, many students need to see if the medical education coaching methods of the institutes they choose will suit them. Various centers adopt differing training patterns to give their audiences a clear advantage.

DocTutorials (one of India’s premier online medical entrance exam coaching institutes) prepares its students for tough exams like the NEET PG, NEET SS, FMGE, INICET, and INISS. The faculty members at DocTutorials are top-notch – but not just because they are great doctors and teachers. They are great at teaching students to become confident and continuous learners, even after passing their degrees and becoming full-fledged doctors.

Let’s review how the best coaching in medical education can help students – and then look at DocTutorial’s programs that foster the right coaching approach to help students immensely.

What coaching can do for a student – an example we can all understand

According to a medical paper titled “A definition for coaching in medical education” by Jeffrey Landreville et al, in the National Library of Medicine, the example of Roger Federer, the tennis ace, is quoted as very close to what medical coaching must aspire to do for every student.

“As the number 1 ranked tennis player for a record 310 weeks, Roger Federer represents one of the most successful professional athletes of our time. While he undoubtedly possesses a remarkable amount of self-motivation, dedication, and athleticism, there is another factor to consider: he has a coach. In fact, he has a team of coaches who work on every aspect of his game with a common goal of performance enhancement. In a recent tribute to his coaches on social media, Federer wrote: ‘Could never have been the oldest #1 without my team. Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way.'”

The first tenet of coaching, as DocTutorials also sees it, is that students face such a fiercely competitive environment that they need coaching to raise them to succeed beyond being good to being great.

The optimal mix between coaching, advising, and mentoring – and how it can make a difference

According to the book “Coaching in Medical Education”, authored by Maya M. Hammoud et al, part of the American Medical Association’s MedEd Innovation Series, when medical students are asked what they value most about their faculty, three types of answers usually emanate.

One, they seem to appreciate the quality of teaching that the faculty imparts on pure medical knowledge. They need to feel their teachers and instructors are very qualified people, worthy of industry respect, who know their subjects inside out.

Two, students seem to appreciate it a lot when their teachers also play the role of advisers. When advisers are assigned to aspirants, they first get an experience in the learner’s area of need – and then provide customized oversight, advice, answers, and guidance to the student, according to the need.

Three, students like looking up to their faculty members as mentors and role models who have achieved advanced academic renown and experience. Yet, students also like to feel comfortable (and not over-awed) in a two-way dialogue with their mentors. Being able to share joys and challenges with mentors, and getting encouragement from them, makes students feel empowered.

At DocTutorials, the faculty teams embody the best of teaching, advising, and mentoring.

4 benefits that any medical coaching must have – that you get at DocTutorials

According to John A Spencer in the paper titled “Learner centred approaches in medical education”, published in the British Medical Journal, any medical coaching must have four clear goals that are all student-centric. DocTutorials, too, follows this principle.

  • Coaching must provide students with a space for progressive improvement in academic, personal, and professional performance.
  • Coaching must ensure student well-being, including mental clarity and balance, emotional confidence, psychological resilience, and physical adaptability.
  • Coaching must ensure that teacher guidance is as essential as autonomous learning. Both systems of coaching must be concurrent and synergistic.
  • Coaching must encourage students to establish continuous reflection, goal-setting, and lifelong learning habits. More than any other profession, the medical field requires people to be eternal students with a high degree of passion for serving society and saving precious lives in the best and most up-to-date ways possible.

Upgradation via the new DocTutorial’s coaching app V 2.023 – for the year 2023

DocTutorials has always believed in a Multi-Disciplinary Approach (MDA) to training its students. This approach envisages a well-rounded coverage of all medical knowledge (taught via diverse formats of learning like text, lectures, videos, quizzes, tests and discussions). The approach also focuses on learning practices that modern-day doctors need.

DocTutorial’s new upgraded coaching app, Version 2.023, is further geared toward increasing information absorption and memorising capabilities. This V 2.023 app has a lot of enriched, immersive, and experiential content.

The many coaching methods used by DocTutorial’s experts and the curriculum include these:

Faculty-experience benefits of the curriculum and app

1. Integrated MCQ Discussion Videos (IMDVs) – learning from insightful debates

In these IMDVs, students can watch deliberations between faculty members who discuss vital topics (including New Pattern MCQs). These IMDVs can enlighten students on topic nuances they may otherwise miss.

2. Video Lectures – gaining from rich expertise

There are hours of video content covering a full range of 19 subjects. These include 2D/3D animations to enhance experiential understanding. They also help retain in memory all that is taught.

3. Live Sessions – getting first-hand knowledge

Live classes are great opportunities for students to interact closely with faculty members to clear their doubts and queries. They can also take guidance on preparations for the Quick Revision Programmes (QRPs).

4. System Based Integrated Test Series (SBITs) – acquiring a deeper understanding

Students are taught about the human body via its various systems. This enables students to grasp the importance of each system – and further, granular learning facilitates greater comprehension.

5. Test & Discussion (T&D) sessions – leveraging immense experience

These are held to sharpen student’s grasping skills. Faculty members expose students to potential exam questions (supported by images and videos).

Autonomous learning benefits of the curriculum and app

1. Test Series – practicing constantly, preparing diligently

There is a packed calendar of subject, revision, grand, and elite tests. Doing tests with regular frequency helps both in memorising topics and losing any fear of exams.

2. QBank 2nd Edition – asking more, absorbing more

The QBank 2nd Edition aggregates past question papers and New Pattern additions. It has Image Based Questions (IBQs) and 17000+ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

3. Leaderboard – raising the bar, boosting the effort

This serves as an up-to-date ranking table showing students their scores across quizzes and tests. Students can assess their performance against peers and know the areas of study on which they need to focus more.

In summary

DocTutorial’s coaching app V 2.023 for NEET PG students has all the tools and techniques for coaching in medical education that students can leverage. Just download, sign up, and subscribe to the app to get a firm foundation and expert guidance for success. The future is already here.

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